
Friday, January 8, 2010


This morning I woke up in great physical exhaustion and fatigue. Oh my gosh. I was also STARVING and dehydrated. I wasn't worried. I immediately recognized that I was probably going through a healing crisis.

I wasn't able to go to my Dahn Yoga class in the morning, but I did go in the evening class. I told the instructor about it and she was excited to hear the "good" news and even shared it (with my permission) during tea time with the rest of the students.

Basically, my body is beginning to accumulate all the benefits of my Dahn Yoga practice and is releasing a lot of negative energy from my body. It is a physical manifestation of the healing that's going on from the inside.

I'm glad I went to class tonight. Tonight we did full body tapping exercises and more energy work. It's amazing - I admit that I felt a little silly channeling energy between my hands, but even from my first attempt in Day 1, I felt something come over me - a healing sensation that was subtle and powerful at the same time.

I ended up sleeping like a baby - I think Dahn Yoga is kicking my insomnia in the butt!

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