
Sunday, April 12, 2015

Dahn Yoga's Good Business Practice: Storytelling

No matter what you say about Dahn Yoga's business practices, you've got to admit that they know how to market business quite effectively. I remember when I first signed up and cancelled immediately after my "trial period" ended (no pun intended), I was so intrigued by the health benefits that I asked about other people's stories.

After my initial "healing session" I felt refreshed and released, in spite being told I had many "blockages" in my heart and beating my sternum to a bruised pulp. I asked my healer, let's call him "Ishmael," how he came to know and work with Dahn Yoga. He told me an earnest story about his lifelong depression and how it was debilitating in his home and work life. Even though I didn't have an earth shattering impression of the guy either way, I connected with his story. I have experienced my own long seasons of depression and anxiety throughout my life.

That Dahn Yoga could be a panacea of ailments of the mind and body helped reel me in. The other students shared their own stories during tea time. Some came for the overall health benefits of traditional yoga (even though Dahn "Yoga" is far from that practice) while others had ACL tears, insomnia, chemical addictions, and standard physical discomforts, including pinched nerves and chronic aches and pains.

Any good business follows a standard model to get it off the ground and keep it running. A great business knows how to sell a story to their product and service. Dahn Yoga knows how to capitalize on this not only by encouraging their employees to have stories, facts, and case studies handy (ie, sales pitches, testimonials, etc.) but also by eliciting the stories of members during tea time.

Storytelling is a good thing. It brings people together by showing webs of commonality and empathy among otherwise total strangers. I think most businesses, including Dahn Yoga, use this tactic to be effective both financially and (hopefully) with the best intentions for self and collective improvement. It is up to the individual, of course, to determine how they are impacted by this information.

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